Hose Clip

About this product

The Hose Clip (#90466-A0010), a critical component in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Brake Booster & Vacuum Tube system, Engine-Fuel Vacuum Piping system, and Engine-Fuel Ventilation Hose system, plays a vital role in securing hoses to prevent leaks and maintain the integrity of fluid or air flow. It functions by applying radial pressure to the hose against the barb or nipple. Genuine Toyota Hose Clip (#90466-A0010)s are recommended for optimal compatibility with your vehicle's systems. Genuine parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, Hose Clip (#90466-A0010)s can wear or corrode, potentially loosening their grip. This can lead to leaks, reduced system efficiency, and potential vehicle damage. Regular replacement of this part is necessary to uphold system performance. In conclusion, the Hose Clip (#90466-A0010) contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of its system by securing vital hoses, preventing leaks, and maintaining optimal fluid or air flow.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90467-14003
Part Number 90466-A0010

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